Nurture Classrooms

We are delighted to have both our nurture classrooms up and running for the forthcoming school year. The main purpose of nurture provision is:
·         To provide a flexible and preventative resource that is responsive to the particular needs of each child.
·         To provide ongoing assessment and support for pupils who require additional and specific interventions and strategies to enable them to access the curriculum.
·         To provide a secure and predictable small class setting.
·         To help pupils learn to manage their own behaviour effectively and appropriately in order to improve self-esteem and confidence.
·         To work in partnership with class team, parents, EA staff and multi-disciplinary agencies to enable consistency of approach.
The nurture rooms are called:
Primary -  The SNUG : Support, Nurture, Unique, Grow
Secondary -  The DEN: Develop, Educate, Nurture
We are looking forward to sharing this journey with you in the best interests of our children and young people!