Meet our Head Girl , Head Boy 

for 2021/22

Our Head Boy ,Head Girl and all prefects will participate in a school buddy system with pupils requiring peer support.


         School Prefects 2021/22



Head Boy

Sean Kinghan


Head Girl

 Lucy Mc Donnell 


Deputy Head Boy

Ciaran Feehan


Deputy Head Girl

 Clena Smith 


Job Skills Prefect

Frankie McKibbon


 Job Skills Prefect

Nathan Lennon 


Job Skills Prefect Shane White


Job Skills Prefect

Finlay Medlicott


Lunch time  Prefect

Eiman Mousli 


Break Time Prefect

Matthew Robinson


Break Time Prefect

Eoin Campbell


Events Prefect

Caoimhe McDonnell

Sports Prefect

Niall O Grady

Assembly Prefect

Connor Breen Mallon

Assembly Prefect

Jamie O Connor

New School Council photographs are on the way !

Rathore School's Council does a number of things:

•The school council meets - with a teacher present - to discuss any area of interest or importance to the pupils. These may include activity planning ideas for how to spend funding.

•Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning an end of term event , the school formal or deciding what equipment to purchase for use during the Lunch Clubs.