Rathore is a controlled co-educational school for pupils with severe learning difficulties. 

The school has a wide age range of pupils from 3-19 years. The school is situated on 7 acres in Carnagat overlooking Newry.

 The school is currently organised in three departments: Early Years and Primary, Secondary and Post-16. There are 28 classes each with a teacher and classroom assistant. Most classes have an additional classroom assistant to support particular educational programmes or pupils. Classes are mixed ability and are normally age banded.

The current staffing complement is Principal, 28 Teachers and 66 Classroom Assistants. The school is also supported by a number of medical, therapy, auxiliary and ancillary staff.

Rathore School has developed a great deal of knowledge and experience over the years to help children and their families to cope with the complexities of special education.

 We provide advice based on experience, ongoing development and training and liaison with various professional bodies to deliver the best educational package for our pupils.

All members of staff have a responsibility for acting as a positive role model for pupils and for taking every opportunity to promote the pupils' self-esteem and confidence. They also have a responsibility for the promotion of positive behaviour throughout the school.

Joining Our School

Pupils are admitted to the school by the Education Authority (Southern Region) in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Education (NI) Order in 1996.

We request that before parents choose a school they visit us and experience the atmosphere during the school day.


If you have any queries at any time, about joining our school or admissions in general, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.