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  2. Lateral Flow Covid Testing

Lateral Flow Covid Testing

7 January 2022 (by admin)

As you are already aware pupils in Rathore School are now being offered Lateral Flow Device tests for Covid-19. These tests are to be taken by pupils before attending school every Monday and Thursday.

Schools are using the ACON FlowFlex LFDs which is a nasal swab only.Please note that tests will be sent out regularly to those pupils with consent and should only be taken by pupils. Parents or family members wishing to avail of Lateral Flow tests should order them online or collect them from their local pharmacies. These are usually the Innova Lateral Flow tests requiring both throat and nasal swabs.

If your child tests positive then please inform school as soon as possible. Further guidance for parents will be issued via SeeSaw tomorrow.

If you have not consented for your child to avail of testing but would like to, please contact the school office.